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BHPA Helping Hands Toy Drive


The BHPA Little Helping Hands Committee is coordinating with Neighbors Link to collect new games and toys for children in need during the holidays.


Neighbors Link is a local non-profit organization whose mission is to strengthen the whole community through the healthy integration of immigrants. Neighbors Link serves more than 6,000 people each year and provides programs such as adult education, a family center, workforce development training, and English as a second language classes. It provides legal help and crisis support services as well.


There are a few ways you can help!


1)    Neighbors Link has organized an Amazon Wishlist. These items can be purchased and shipped directly to Neighbors Link or dropped at 6 Sniffen Road, Armonk (there will be a bin at the front door).


2)    Drop off any gifts beyond this wish list that are new and unwrapped to the address listed above.


3)    Neighbors Link has partnered with a local toy store - All Together Now, located at 53 South Moger Street, in Mount Kisco.  You can purchase gifts at the store and Neighbors Link will pick them up!


Donations will be accepted until Sunday December 11th


Thank you for your support!


Please contact Lauren and Ali at with any questions.

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